Archive for pink news

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The Pope

Another week goes by and another shockingly ill-informed, bigotted and generally stupid comment from Pope Benedict XVI.
Pink News says:
“Pope Benedict XVI today added to the controversy over the Catholic church’s stance on condoms when he argued that they were not the answer to Africa’s fight against HIV and Aids and could even make the problem [...]

BBC Lesbian Gaff

On new year eve a group of us actually watched ‘Most Annoying People of 2008′ and unanimously agreed that the most annoying thing of 2008 was this programme.
As we were celebrating the end of the year I confess that we weren’t paying much attention so when LiLoh and Ronson were mentioned we were too busy [...]

Mark’s Mucho Media Montage

Howdy Bambinos,
I thought seeing as my posts don’t really fit into a single category I could have the vague topic of ‘media’.  So in this weekly roundup I’ll have a look at the great, the good, the bad, the ugly and the queen of the week’s media.  If your royal readerness enjoys this format for [...]