Impromptu Talent

hooray for public performance! Wouldn’t it be lovely if this kinda thing happened regularly on trains, planes and automobiles.  Well done ‘Naturally 7′

The students of leicester university did a shameless rip off of the ‘improv everywhere‘ style stunt where everyone goes to a public place (ie. the library forecourt) and freezes (in motion), to see what other peoples reaction will be.

Whilst the reaction at the library was minimal because a) everyone’s already seen the youtube video of improv everywhere doing it in a train station in america somewhere, and b) only about 6 people were taking part in the freezing so it didn’t prove that effective.

Having said that, it got me thinking about public performance -- apart from buskers and street artists employed during festivals we very rarely get people who perform in public, impromptu, for the sake of performing.  I kno i get strange looks when i sing along to my ipod out loud in town!

Hopefully ‘Naturally 7′, and ‘improv everywhere’ are trend setters and we’ll see more popular, more prolific public performance in future…fingers crossed