
Black Swan film review

I’ll warn you now. There will be spoilers in this post. Admittedly there’s not a massive plot point like Shutter Island that I could completely ruin, but there are plenty of twists and turns in Black Swan which you’ll enjoy it a lot more if you don’t see them coming and I am going to talk about them. You’ve been told. Black Swan is the tale of Nina (Natalie Portman) who is a highly accomplished but slightly dull ballerina with a New York dance company. She longs for bigger roles but she lacks the passion and abandonment that the other dancers do so she’s always sidelined in favour of someone...

Let Me introduce the...

How I love thee let me count the ways… Being a monarchy/aristocracy obsessed hopeless romantic trapped in the body of a cynical nymph I was instantly to drawn to the newest costume, period drama thing to hit the big screen. I am of course talking about The Duchess Keira Knightley...

Lesbian Love is in t...

After a hectic morning of having to get up at 7am on a saturday so that I can pay a woman can apply hot wax to my most intimate areas and cause me a lot of pain (yes I question my sanity at times) I decided to rest and catch up with the news… By news I of course mean E showbiz news that...