A Film Review: Salt

I feel I should tell you from the outset that this originally started as a much longer review and I just found myself getting bored. So I started again. What you need to know is: Mrs Pitt is a believable hero in the film, strong and beautiful doing things no human should be able to do and all...

YourFace @ The Fring...

Myself and Mr. Morgan have been at the heart of the Edinburgh festival for two weeks now (don’t forget to keep up with our exploits at ed.thisisdavid.com and our youtube channel thisisdavidmorgan) and the tiredness, hallucinations and slight sense of floating instead of walking is...

Resident Evil 5: My ...

Ta Da, I have finished Resident Evil 5, purely on my lone self with no walk through or guide and now I feel rather proud of my self I will share with you the my thoughts on a game that alot of people have waited almost 5 years for. The story carries on in a loose way from Resident Evil 4....

Watchmen - The...

Well Miss Blakeborough has left me with very little new to say about this film and I would highly reccomend clicking here and reading her thoughts on Watchmen. As for me, I would love to have an opposing view and have a good ol rant about how much I hate it and who do people think they are...